
Period Stories, My Fitness Level, Study Stuff, and Others

Boys are -of course- welcome to read, although I’m pretty sure you are going to just skip it. And I don't care.


When I was an undergrad, I experienced an extremely painful period cramp. My lower back also in pain, and I had a headache too sometimes. The pain was only 1-3 days, but I’m sick of it because I had to deal it monthly. Sometimes I even cried because I couldn’t bear it. 

Then, I started to exercise regularly. I used to jog with my dad, or alone, every Sunday morning because that was the only time I had to exercise. In the rest of the days, I was busy with school, social activity, and work stuff. My fitness level was so not so bad, but I know it quite sucks because exercise once a week is not enough. (I know). But my cramps were getting better! I didn’t experience that pain in intense anymore.

A few years later, I still exercise once a week but there were some days I don't exercise at all, but the cramps were still fine. Now, I’ve been studying for my master now, I have more times to exercise and thankfully I could manage my time to study, exercise, going out, blogging, such and such. I’m not the kind of person who will like 24-hours study and do nothing although I had tons of words to be written. I’m just not that kind of person. I like my life to be balanced. And I like to do what I want to do without forgetting what my responsibilities are. My friends often asked how I could still go out because I should be doing my essays (and looked panicked and stressed like other master students *no offence). It is because my body and my mind need it. I have to exercise regularly because I don't want to have cramps, exercise makes me happy, and I just like it,

My basic tenet on doing assignments are: 'productivity'. For me, it is a waste sitting in front of the computer but apparently, I am watching Youtube or other social media, or daydreaming, or whatever. I would rather go out or go exercise and I will come back later. If I'm stuck I will take a walk or I will go to the gym. The dopamine I got from exercising makes me productive and think better. Then, I like to use Pomodoro timer to study to measure how productive I am. Pomodoro also helps me focus on my study because it prevents me-trying-to-play-my-phone. I will set the target for the day and I will try my best to achieve the goal. I will be upset if I don't.

Yet, I was not productive at all yesterday and this morning. This morning I spent hours to edit one fucking single sentence. I don't have a feeling to go out too because it is cloudy outside. The weather is around 16-degree Celcius. It should be fine, but I just can't.

Well, I believe I'm in -what-so-called- Post Menstrual Syndrome phase. Unlike Pre Menstrual Syndrome, the Post Menstrual Syndrome happens after the period.

And it is real.

I think this post menstrual syndrome is triggered because I had too much caffeine, I slept 5 to 6 hours last week, I stressed out because of the assignments, and I didn't eat enough vegetables and fruits. I don't have time to this post menstrual syndrome because I have an essay due tomorrow. (Okay, the lecturer gave an extension until next week, but I just don't want to delay it anymore). I'm mentally tired. And because a lot of my friends submitted their essays already, it psychology affects me. In a bad way. Like, I want to get rid of it soon. Meanwhile, I want to do it the best as I can. I want it to be perfect. This feeling is unexplainable. 

I had a mild headache this morning and I have a bad mood which makes me not so productive at all. So, this post menstrual syndrome is ruined my schedule. But, it is okay, I will deal with it and I know I will be better soon.

And, talk to you later!

About my fitness stuff, I'm actually too embarrassed talking about it, although I want to share a lot of stuff with you. Sometimes I can't bear with the judgy face, like ..... @#$%*(*&^%$W%&^*^&%^&&^*&*(*^&#%. Just talk to you later peeps!


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